By joining an RC Plane club you will find that it is a lot easier to make friends that share the same passion. Imagine speaking with those that understand exactly what you're talking about! If you've ever had a hobby then you know that it can be extremely hard sometimes to find those that sympathize with what you do. It's like they simply don't understand, which in most cases is quite true. Those who enjoy chess or model building often know what this is like. So this is one good reason for you to join an RC plane club.
Another good reason is that you will get much better training for your RC RTF. You will get the opportunity to speak with many experts that have been flying their RC planes for years. You won't be able to get any better help than you can at these places. This is especially true if you have selected a gas powered RC RTF for your first plane as these are much harder to control than their electric counterparts.
What about a place to fly? It's not exactly easy to locate a nice open field, but luckily you are going to find that the majority of RC clubs actually have a complete tarmac for you to play with. Of course most of these clubs are going to require a monthly fee. This is mostly for maintenance as well as other fees that might arise from owning the property.
These clubs may actually hold competitions that you would not otherwise have access to. These competitions could include races or even acrobatics, you never know. Whatever it is they happen to have on a given week, it's definitely worth the price you'll pay each month for membership!

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