Align RC ARF Airplane Electric
For security reasons, tinted car windows are not allowed in some states. It is also necessary to remove car window films after some time since they deteriorate with age. You can have a professional remove the tint for you, but with the right information, you can do it yourself. Window tint removal is easy and doing it yourself will save you money. However, you should make sure you have the right information on how to go about it to avoid damage to the windows, to avoid time and energy wastage, and to prevent a shoddy job. Use the sun and ammonia tint removal method. This method is cheap since ammonia is readily available and it is not labor intensive. To use this method, cover the window with black garbage bags cut in the shape of the window and spray soapy water. Smooth the bags and spray the windows with undiluted ammonia. Note that ammonia has a strong smell and the fumes are harmful, so you will need a face mask. After some hours in the sun, the bags absorb the heat an d come up with all layers of the tint. When peeling off the film, you should try to remove it in one entire piece. However, this method requires a sunny day, meaning you cannot use it on cloudy days or during winter months.
Use soaking and scraping tint removal method. This method is a cheap alternative to the sun and ammonia method which is ideal during cold days. However, it is time consuming. The first step is to make a small cut on the film to create a tab which can be pulled. Next, peel the tint, but note it will not come out smoothly. Spray the adhesive with soapy water to loosen it and scrape it off with a sharp object, taking precautions not to cut the defroster lines on the windows. Note that there is a risk of scratches on the window with this method. Use the duct-tape tint removal method. This method can be used after removing the first layer with other methods. The duct tape should have a strong adhesive. Apply the duct tape in rows and make sure that that there is overlapping. Leave the tape in the sun for about an hour and remove the tape on a small area as a test. If the film is not removed, leave the tape for a little longer.
Remove the window tint with a steamer. Steamers such as the Jiffy steamer can be used to remove the tint. This is a cheap method if you already own a steamer and it is a quick way to remove the tint. After applying steam to a small area for a few minutes, use a sharp object to peel an area large enough to hold. Peel slowly and apply steam on the area ahead of where you are peeling until the whole window is done. To protect the defroster or antenna lines, you should use duct tape to lift the film instead of scrapping. If this does not remove the sticky residue, use an old towel soaked on ammonia or Windex to remove it.
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| 421 Scale RC Aircraft Twin-Engine 46 - 71" Nitro/Electric Powered Remote Control Airplane ARF $499.95 421 Twin Engine Fuel/Electric-Powered Radio Controlled RC Plane ARF Wing Span: 71in / 1800mm Wing Area: 763 / 49.5 Flying Weight: 11.0 lbs /5000g Fuselage Length: 62.6in / 1590mm Engine Required: 2c :0.40-0.46 x2 Radio Required: 6 channels ; 10-11 servos What the Pro says (More reviews here) The quality and engineering is excellent. It goes together VERY fast, far and away the fastest twin to build I have ever done. Everything fits perfectly, and the level of prefabrication is very high. The instructions are English and decent. It comes with fixed gear, and it's set up for retracts, too. I am waiting on a set of Robart air retracts to complete my plane. Mechanical retracts could be done, with a little engineering on your part.I am using two each of Exceed Monster Power 46 outrunners, Volcano 80A Escs, and Fusion Power 3200 5s lipos. The servos are all T-Pro SG5010 standard servos. I have used a bunch of them before with no issues, they are quite a bargain. Normally, on a plane this size, which will end up at least 10 pounds, I'd use something stronger on the elevators, but this plane is set up with two elevator servos, so standard servos are just fine. I will be using a seperate UBEC on one of the batteries to power the radio. Actually, maybe two of them. On previous large twins like the B25, P82, and Mosquito, I have used 5000mah packs, but long flights of 10 minutes or so have left me landing with over half the battery still left, so this time, I went with 3200, should be plenty. The nacelles are each one large fiberglass piece. This makes access to the interior very easy. If you wanted to, it would be easy enough to cut off the cowl portions to make them seperate. What engines will fit? It is set up for two 40s, I think four strokes should go in without any real problem, too. With my electrics, I made up my own plywood box motor mounts, but nice nylon mounts and good quality fuel tanks and tubing are all included in the kit, if you want to go glow. Did I mention how nice the glasswork and paint are? Along with all the woodwork and covering? Nice quality, and LIGHT. Oh...and you can't tell from the pictures, but it includes split flaps, too. I swapped out a few pieces of hardware along the way...what is included is good quality, but I don't like using EZ connectors on flight controls, so I soldered threaded couplers onto my elevator and rudder pushrods and added clevises instead. The rest of the hardware all got used. There is a nice set of decals(stickers) included. Not sure what of them I will use, I want to make mine a little different from the box top. far...delighted! Many pleasant surprises with this model. More from the Pro NitroModels keeps growing and lear ning, it really |
| CAP 232 Aerobatic ARF 46 Size Nitro Gas RC Airplane $99.95 This is the new and exciting CAP 232 Aerobatic ARF 46 Size Nitro RC Airplane. This fun Nitro RC Airplane comes with high quality, laser cut balsa and plywood combined for a strong lightweight construction. It is expertly covered with an iron-on film covering and trim. It comes with pre-cut hinge slots, self-adhesive decals, illustrated instruction manual, aluminum landing gear, wheels, fiberglass wheel parts, and all hardware and push-rods included. All you need to get this going is a 4-8 channel dual-conversion receiver, 2C .46 or 4C .52 glow engine or 400-600 watt brushless motor and speed control, and 4 or 5 standard size servos (5 required for glow power, 4 for electric power). |
| New!! 4-Channel T-34 Mentor Almost Ready to Fly Electric ARF Warbird Airplane w/ Brushless Upgrades!! Without Radio Transmitter $199 New!! 4-Channel T-34 Mentor Almost Ready to Fly Electric ARF Warbird Airplane w/ Brushless Upgrades!! Main Character 1.T-34 4channels proportional R/C airplane is made according to the U.S. military's primary trainer in the 1950s beach thor T-34 mentor developing, perfect emulation. Not only can collect it as a artist but also can experience the flying capability. 2.Has a perfect safety and flexibility, can performance all the acrobatics by the training plane, it is a better choice for novice transition to the middle skill level. 3.T-34 suitable for flying environs, just because it has a large volume and the flying weight about 450g. Unsuitable for indoor or backyard. After simple assembly and recharge then the whole set can fly. About 10 minutes flight time for each charge. 4.The structure with reason, and very convenience for install and maintenance. (This ARF package DO NOT comes with Radio Transmitter) Introduce Product Basic Parameter Wingspan:34.6 Inches Fuselage overall length:30 Inches Weight:450g 15.87OZ Wing loading:30g Wing Color box dimension: 915 X 360 X 160mm Upgraded collection 1.Motor: 2830 out-runner brushless motor 2.ESC:18A brushless speed control panel 3.Battery:11.1v, 1200 MAH 4.Charge:12.6v, 1000 MAH Servo: 9g micro servo (3 pcs) After upgraded, the capability will more remarkable. (This ARF package DO NOT comes with Radio Transmitter) (This ARF package DO NOT comes with Radio Transmitter) |
| Exceed RC F-4E Phantom ARF 64mm Electric Ducted Fan RC Jet Shark Version (without Transmitter & Receiver) $249.95 F-4E Phantom Electric Ducted Fan Radio Control Jet ALMOST-READY-TO-FLY-VERSION WITHOUT TRANSMITTER+RECEIVER Factory Flight Test F-4E Review & Flight Features: -State of the Art Foam -Fully Proportional Elevator, Rudder and Throttle Controls -Improved Aerodynamic with innovative Wing and Fuselage Design -Durable Fuselage and Wings Construction -Easy to learn for Beginner and Fun to Fly for Experts This is the latest creation from the fertile mind of genius EDF designer Andy Chen...there IS a difference as to who designs these, this guy just has the magic touch, and it shows in the scale accuracy of the overall plane, and also in a lot of thoughtful little details and engineering that really make it stand out from the competition. It's beautiful! Small, and very high performance...Very high quality molding, lots of detail, good paint, good water transfer decals, clear canopy w ith cockpit deck(the pics on the nitroplanes website show an early prototype with a tinted canopy), easily removeable or replaceable landing gear, full flying stab, easy fan access for maintanance, lots of nice features. In the air, it's pure dynamite, everybody guesses it to be about 70mph, and that's very fast for such a small airplane! It's a whole level of performance above the rest of the RTF EDF jets... It's basically the smallest airframe that you can wrap around a 64mm fan. Hand launching is really easy, there is a grip molded in for doing it, and you don't need to heave it, it will fly away from just a light toss with no problems. Roll rate is tremendous, vertical performance is awesome, and downright speed, well...most EDFs, you fly around at full bore all the time, with this one, you want to save full throttle for verticals and high speed passes, and throttle back to half or two thirds to keep the thing manageable the rest of the time, it's mighty q uick. It's very easy to land, I have been bellying mine in on the grass with no problems, though you might want to put a little glass cloth on the lower lip of the intakes, they tend to snag the grass and get chipped up. With the landing gear on, off pavement, it has no bad habits at all. The gear comes on and off with a few screws in a minute or two. It takes up no room in the car, it can fly out of small parks, or you can take it to the club field and mix it up with the big boys, it costs little, it requires no maintainance, it looks great, and it flies great. It's my new favorite airplane! Wingspan: 542mm Length: 788mm Flying Weight: 540g Wing Area: 8dm^2 Wing Load: 67g/dm^2 64mm Ducted Fan Servos : 4 9G Servos Motor : 14L inner brushless motor ESC : 25A Battery : 11.1V 1300mAH LiPo Battery Radio System REQUIRED : 4-Channel TX and 6CH Rx |
| Yellow Twin Engine OV10 Bronco 15 - 48" Nitro Gas/Electric Radio Remote Controlled RC Airplane $199 New OV-10 Bronco Nitro Gas/Electric Radio Remote Controlled RC Airplane! This ARF OV-10 Bronco supports both 2c 0.15 cu in engines or 400T Brushless Motor w/ 11.1V 1300-1600mAh. Electric Brushless/Nitro Gas OV-10 Bronco 15 - 48" Twin-Engine Radio Remote Controlled RC Airplane The OV-10 Bronco was a multi-purpose, light attack aircraft acquired by the Marine Corp for observation squadrons to conduct visual reconnaissance missions. The OV-10A is a twin-turboprop short takeoff and landing aircraft conceived by the Marine Corps and developed under an Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps tri-service program. The first production OV-10A was ordered in 1966 and its initial flight took place in August 1967. The OV-10 can be used for short take-offs and landings on aircraft carriers without the use of catapults. With the seco nd seat removed, it can carry 3,200 pounds of cargo, five paratroopers or two litter patients and an attendant. Adding to its versatility is a rear fuselage compartment with a capacity of 3,200 pounds of cargo, five combat-equipped troops, or two litter patients and a medical attendant. The Bronco's mission capabilities include observation, forward air control, helicopter escort, armed reconnaissance, gunfire spotting, utility and limited ground attack; however, the USAF acquired the Bronco primarily as a forward air control (FAC) aircraft. The Bronco also provides transportation for aerial radiological reconnaissance, tactical air observers, artillery and naval gunfire spotting and airborne controllers of tactical air support operations. Other tasks include armed escort for helicopters and front line, low-level aerial photography. Wing span: 48 in / 1220mm Wing area: 434 sq in / 28 sq dm Flying weight: 4.4 lb / 2000g Fuselage length: 50 in / 1270 mm Engine Require d: 2c 0.15 cu in X2 pcs Radio Required: 4-5channels,7-9 mini servos Li-Poly : 11.1V 1300-1600mAh x2 pcs Propeller:8x6 x2pcs Out runner Brushless Motor : 400T x2 pcs Speed Control :15 - 20 Amp x2 pcs |
Align RC ARF Airplane Electric
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